Thursday, September 10, 2009


Ay! como me dolio dejarte
Olvidado tras el caminar del tiempo
Perdido entre momentos ya vividos
Enterrado bajo el rencor de las memorias

Ay! como me dolio olvidarte
Convirtiendo mi soledad en miedo
Escuchando el susurro del silencio
Arrancandote de mi alma a mordidas

Ay! como me dolio perderte
Transformando mi vida en pesadillas
Entre sollosos de un alma temerosa
matando mi inocencia con locura.

Ay! como me dolio enterrarte
Bajo escombros de suenos destrozados
Me secaste las llagas ya sin sangre
Y el tiempo de la mano te ha borrado.


In one of those days, those that make you feel like the world is charging a load of Karma on you, I decided to take a walk, alone, and take my thoughts for a stroll.

As I was contemplating the orange looking streets of Halifax, burning like fire, with the intense rays of an agonizing sun in the verge of dusk, I could feel it.

In an instant, almost unperceivable, the air blew cold; I could only imagine the world around me announcing in sublime simplicity that summer was gone.

I stood there, thrilled by the privilege of witnessing one of nature’s true whispers; I felt alive, I felt life running through my fingers softly and chilly.

And right there, almost instinctively, I gave one of those deep sighs, breathing deeply, feeling the cool air of a new born fall fill up my lungs.

My eyes were closed, and the darkness became red, as I realized that the sun escaping in between branches of trees and buildings was kissing my face.

And this is how I welcomed fall, and offered a nostalgic farewell to summer, the simplest and most delightful way. The way I learned to live life from inside the rubble of my soul.

Just like that, I kept on walking. The instant vanished slowly in the back of my mind, as the noises of cars, bicycle bells, and scattered voices, commenced to fill the real world.

Summer is gone, I said in an audible thought, as a couple standing next to me heard my words, they smiled back and I knew they also got the message… Gone.

Monday, May 25, 2009

And just a random second

Today I saw you

Hidden behind the shadows of nostalgic memories
Triggered by the sudden smell of what seemed long lost
But that revives in moments hanging inert in plain air.

Today I felt you

Living still, in the self that gives me life,
Finding corners in my spirit, finding it hard to survive.
but impossible to fade, only morphing with the age.

Today I heard you

Inside the cheery thoughts of hope, that once I felt
Making my head lay high, remembering your voice
A sound so strange, that I almost forgot.

Today I touched you

As I let you in once more, for just a second
And invited what’s left inside for a casual conversation,
of the usual forgotten topics, many times lost in translation.

It was the moment, a swing of air, a sudden echo
What I fear, made my mind turn in your direction
And just like that, I say farewell to this memento.
Bringing back life, in slow pace, second by second.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The sincerity of a dream

I stand in air, looking back to what seems like yesterday
Locked inside the gates of my blind visions, lost memories.

Taken from the pieces on the ground, that lay sparse around.
Making you stand, be born, be the basic element of life

And then I sense the raw thoughts of your mind, flirting around
Making me desire more, like the thirst of lust or lack of faith

I see myself beneath, basic, terrene, just a piece among the chaos
Bringing my heart forward, and covering it in ice, inert.

And why you ask? Because of justice, because it was simply right
And like that, I handed myself in, for the inner, complex side.

I stand on earth, looking down to what seems like today
Locked inside the deal from life, the one that is fair

Taken from the walls around my soul that stand strong.
Making you kneel, exist, and be the basic form or life

And then I sense the urgent thoughts of your mind, holding me
Making me desire, like the thirst of inspiration and lack of luck

I see myself inside, locked, immobile, just a standing piece
Bringing my present self forward, and giving it another chance.

And why you ask? Because of hope, because it is simply necessary
And like that, I will hand in myself, the dreaming scarce side.

I stand on hope, looking up to what seems like tomorrow
Locked inside the fantasies, those that don’t exist.

And then I sense the beating heart of inspiration, calling me
Making me dream, like the thirst for freedom, for myself.

I see myself above, complete, real, just like I need to be
Bringing my spirit forward, and finally letting go.

And why you ask? Because I have to, because of who I am
And like that, I take the hand of time, and the dream slowly fades.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Cuando cala el alma

El sonido que se lleva la imagen en el viento
Que regresa milagrosamente el tiempo
Ese que hace que sin querer recordemos
Y sin poderlo detener, nos cala el alma

Nos detiene un poco, nos mata un poco
Nos da la vida y nos la quita
Por que solo son recuerdos, un espejo
Que reflejan la nostalgia de los sueños

Cuando sin querer pensamos en el tiempo
Y recordamos sentimientos, fijos y serenos
Empezamos a entender, al quien vive del recuerdo
La triste nostalgia vieja, de quien se perdió en el viento

Hoy recuerdo lo que fui, y en ti lo que seré
Pero mi alma se cala, con tristeza adelantada
Por que lo que fue, ya fue; y lo que será, no sé.
Y yo aquí sigo viviendo, perpetuado en el ayer.

Y en el nuevo amanecer recuerdo
que yo sigo entre los vivos, tejiendo momentos
y los qe vendrán entenderán al tiempo
con su alma calada, y una lagrima en el viento.