Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A poeam for Lebanon

When they first shot at you,
They targeted my soul.
When they first hurt you,
They opressed my heart.

Land of brave warriors
Land of ancient times
You hold half of my recipee
you are part of who I am

Why do you suffer in shadows
Why can't they leave you alone
You my half land, my sweet one
Land of the cedar, land of God

We shall stand proud above ashes
We shall discover beauty above the rocks
We stand together for thee
Lebanon, you and I, demand peace

Today my tears have a reason
In my heart lies your essence and your love
My half land, my half rythm, my half all
In your suffering I find you, and offer you love.

Lebanon, Land of the Ceasars
Land of History
Land of love

Today you suffer
Today you bleed
Today I mourn

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